WhatsApp reverses course, now won’t limit functionality if you don’t accept its new privacy policy

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Earlier this month, Facebook-owned WhatsApp said that users would lose functionality over time if they didn’t accept its new privacy policy by May 15th. In a reversal, Facebook now says that plan has changed, and users who don’t accept the updated policy actually won’t see limited functionality (via TNW).

“Given recent discussions with various authorities and privacy experts, we want to make clear that we will not limit the functionality of how WhatsApp works for those who have not yet accepted the update,” a WhatsApp spokesperson said in a statement to The Verge. WhatsApp tells The Verge that this is the plan moving forward indefinitely.

The rollout of the policy has been a...

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source https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/28/22458805/whatsapp-privacy-policy-no-plans-limit-functionality
